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Roles and Functions

The CCBD is an autonomous quasi-judicial body whose role is to enforce the Competition Act. Its functions under Section 4(1) of the Act include: 
1. Enhance efficient market conduct and promote overall productivity, innovation, and competitiveness of markets in Brunei Darussalam;
2. Promote and sustain competition in markets in Brunei Darussalam;
3. Promote a strong competitive culture and environment throughout the economy; 
4. Act as an advocate for competition matters; 
5. Educate and promote public understanding of the value of competition and how this Order promotes competition; 
6. Advise the Government or other public authority on national needs and policies in respect of matters concerning competition in Brunei Darussalam;
7. Promote research into and the development of skills in relation to the legal, economic and policy aspects; 
8. Act internationally as the national body representative of Brunei Darussalam in respect of competition matters; and 
9. Carry on such activities and do such things as are necessary or advantageous and proper for the administration of the CCBD.